Rabu, 17 September 2014

Questions Tag, Asking Repetition

Question Tags Sangat sering sekali digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Meski pelajaran question tags ini adalah murni termasuk salah satu pelajaran grammar namun nyatanya penggunaannya lebih banyak ditemukan dalam speaking. Hal ini jelas membuktikan bahwa belajar grammar adalah salah satu pondasi meningkatkan kualitas berbicara kita. Pengertian Question Tags Swan (2005: 465) menyebutkan, “Question tags are the small questions that often come at the ends of sentences in speech, and sometimes in informal writing.” Menurut Swan, Question tag itu adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan pendek yang sering muncul di akhir kalimat pada saat berbicara, dan kadang muncul pada tulisan informal. Contoh: The Film wasn’t very good, was it? Kalimat negatif biasanya diringkas meski bentuk sempurnanya bisa digunakan dalam percakapan. Contoh: o That’s the postman, isn’t it? o You take the sugar in tea, don’t you? o They promised to repay us within six months, did they not? (formal) Dengan demikian, question tags dapat difungsikan untuk memeriksa apakah sesuatu itu benar atau tidak bisa juga berfungsi menanyakan persetujuan. Question tags (+) (-) atau (-) (+) Maksudnya, pada kalimat positif, question tags harus negatif; sebaliknya pada kalimat negatif, question tags harus positif. Namun hal ini tidak berfungsi pada kalimat pertanyaan karena sangat tidak wajar. Contoh : You're the new secretary, aren't you? You're not the new secretary, are you? bukan are you the new secretary, aren't you? Question Tags pada Modal Auxiliary Jika suatu kalimat memiliki auxiliary verb selain be, maka seperti halnya di atas, tinggal mengulang (+)(-) atau sebaliknya. Namun jika sebuah kalimat tidak memiliki auxiliary, maka question tags harus menggantikannya dengan DO (dan semua perubahan tensesnya). You like oysters, don't you? Harry gave you a cheque, didn't he? Question Tags pada Kalimat bernada Negatif Pada kalimat yang memiliki konotasi negatif seperti never, no, nobody, hardly, dll, question tag harus positif. Contoh : • You never say that, do you? (bukan don't you) • It is no good, is it? (bukan isn't it) • It has hardly rained all this summer, has it? (bukan hasn't it) 1.1 EXAMPLES with auxiliaries You've got a car, haven't you? without auxiliaries (use: don't, doesn't, didn't) They play football on Sundays, don't they? She plays football on Sundays, doesn't she? They played football on Sundays, didn't they? Questions tags are used to keep a conversation going. You can agree or refuse to a sentence with a question tag. You go to school, don't you? You agree. You refuse. Yes, I do. No, I don't. You aren't from Germany, are you? You agree. You refuse. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. ________________________________________ 1.2 QUESTIONS TAGS - SPECIAL Although the negative word not is not in the sentence, the sentence can be negative. Then we use the "positive" question tag. He never goes out with his dog, does he? have is a main verb in the sentence -> two possibilities We have a car, _____? We have a car, haven't we? We have a car, don't we? mostly British English mostly American English We use will/would with the imperative (Simple Present). Open the window, will you? Open the window, would you? Don't open your books, will you? We use won't with a polite request. Open the window, won't you? We use shall after Let's. Let's take the next bus, shall we? Auxiliary must We must be at home at 8 pm, mustn't we? Yes, we must. No, we needn't. ________________________________________ 1.3 PROCEDURE ADDING A QUESTION TAG Look at the sentence. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes no auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) auxiliary or form of to be negative -> (delete n't) affirmative sentence -> Negate sentence (e.g. don't; doesn't; didn't) negative sentence -> (delete n't) 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? yes no Use the personal pronoun. Form the personal pronoun. 3 Complete the sentence. 1.3.1 Example 1: He can play football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes -> can auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) can't 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? yes Use the personal pronoun. 3 He can play football, can't he? 1.3.2 Example 2: Peter can play football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes -> can auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) can't 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? no Form the personal pronoun. Peter -> he 3 Peter can play football, can't he? 1.3.3 Example 3: Peter plays football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? no affirmative sentence -> Negate the verb. verb plays -> Negation: doesn't play We only use the auxiliary doesn't. 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? no Form the personal pronoun. Peter -> he 3 Peter plays football, doesn't he? Imperative Sentence Pengetahuan tentang kalimat imperative sangatlah penting, apalagi dalam bahasa Inggris. Sekarang teman-teman bahasa Inggris online bisa membaca penjelasan mengenai kalimat imperative. Imperatives adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyuruh orang lain agar melakukan sesuatu, memberikan perintah, memberi saran, membuat rekomendasi, atau untuk menawarkan sesuatu. Perhatikan contoh-contoh ungkapannya di bawah ini: Put the coin in the slot and press the red button. Don't ask her - she doesn't know. See the doctor - it's the best thing. Perintah Close the door! – Stand up! – Sit down! – Open your books! Instruksi To make a cup of coffee (Untuk membuat segelas kopi): • Boil some water (didihkan air) • Put some coffee in a cup (masukkan kopi ke dalam gelas) • Add some water (tambahkan air) • Drink the coffee (minum kopimnya) Arahan To go to the bank (untuk pergi ke bank) Turn left at Orchard Street, and then go straight (belok kiri di Jalan Mawar, dan kemudian lurus) Penawaran dan ajakan Have some tea Come over to our house sometime. Let’s Kata kerja let sering digunakan sebagai imperative untuk memberikan anjuran yang kuat. Let’s merupakan singkatan dari let us. Misalnya: • Let’s go home (mari kita pulang) • Let’s watch a movie (mari kita nonton film) Subject with Imperative Kalimat Imperative jarang digunakan dengan subjek, namun kita boleh menggunakan kata benda atau kata ganti untuk memberikan kejelasan kepada siapa kita berbicara atau siapa yang kita suruh. • Mary come here - everybody else stay where you are. • Somebody answer the phone. • Nobody move. • Relax, everybody. Kata "You" sebelum Imperative boleh digunakan untuk menunjukkan persuasi atau ekspresi marah. • You just sit down and relax for a bit. • You take your hands off me! ATURAN PENGGUNAAN • Kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan bare infinitive (tanpa “to”). Contoh: Go!, Be Careful!, Sit down! • Verb ini tidak membutuhkan penambahan subject karena subject “you” telah tersirat. Contoh: Shut the window! • Kata kerja dapat dibuat lebih sopan dengan menambahkan kata “do” di depan verb. Contoh: Do open the door • negative imperative dapat dibentuk dengan menambahkan “don’t” atau “do not” di depan verb. Contoh: Do not step on the grass. Don’t be careless. • Jika pembicara ikut serta dalam tindakan yang diajukan di dalam kalimat imperative, maka di tambahkan “let’s” atau “let us” maupun bentuk negatifnya, “let’s not” di depan verb. Contoh: Let’s go to the wedding ceremony, Let’s not complain anymore FUNGSI DAN CONTOH IMPERATIVE Beberapa contoh imperative dengan fungsi-fungsinya adalah sebagai berikut. Fungsi Keterangan Contoh Imperative digunakan untuk memberikan direct order/command (perintah langsung) Perintah biasanya diberikan oleh orang yang memiliki authority (kewenangan) atau kepada anak-anak maupun binatang. Jika imperative di dalam kalimat, Intonasi menurun pada akhir kalimat. Wake up now! Get out! digunakan untuk memberikan warning/prohibition (peringatan) Biasanya untuk memperingatkan seseorang akan bahaya. Intonasi meninggi pada kata terakhir. Watch out! Don’t touch me! digunakan untuk memberikan advice (nasehat) Kalimat diucapkan dengan intonasi normal. Don’t be panic. Do not eat too much. digunakan untuk memberikan instruction (instruksi/petunjuk) - Go straight ahead then turn left. Take the pill after a meal. digunakan untuk mengajukan request (permintaan/permohonan) Untuk mengajukan request, dapat digunakan kata “please” untuk membuat kata kerja ini menjadi lebih sopan. Please don’t go. Please reconsider. Let me alone, please. Polite request: Would you like to give me some food, please? Could you please stay here? Will you invite him, please? Asking For Repetition Secara harfiah berarti meminta pengulangan. Jika dijabarkan lebih lanjut "Asking for repetition" bisa diartikan sebagai permintaan seseorang untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban dari orang lain. Meminta orang lain untuk mengulangi penjelasan atau jawaban bukan berarti kita tuli dan tidak mendengar apa yang diucapkan orang lain; akan tetapi "asking for repetition" lebih menekankan bahwa kita ingin mendengarkan jawaban atau penjelasan dengan lebih terang lagi. Contoh Asking Repetition Untuk memahami cara dan bagaimana contoh asking for repetition, mari kita baca dialog di bawah ini : Rina : Hello Dewi. Look at my new purse. I made it by myself. Dewi : Hello, Rina. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that we bought one year ago? Rina : Yeah, that's right. Dewi : How did you do that? Rina : Sorry, What did you say? Dewi : How did you do that, Rina? Rina : Oh, well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, four-five glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he.. Lihat kalimat bergaris bawah di atas, Rina meminta Dewi untuk mengulangi ucapannya karena Rina merasa kurang mendengar apa yang diucapkan Dewi. Mudah bukan? Dengan menggunakan ungkapan "Asking for Repetition", dialog bahasa inggris bisa menjadi lebih hidup. Tapi, jika kita sering menggunakan ungkapan ini, bisa-bisa kita dianggap tuli. Jadi, cobalah lebih jeli mendengarkan percakapan kawan kita. Gunakan jika memang kita tidak jelas mendengar percakapan orang lain saja, oke... Banyak cara untuk meminta seseorang agar mengulang pernyataan / pertanyaannya. Dan berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan asking for repetition yang umum diucapkan oleh native speakers. Ungkapan Makna Formal Could you repeat again, please? Would you be louder, please? Sorry, what did you say? Bisakah anda ulangi lagi? Bisakah anda katakana lebih keras? Maaf, apa yang tadi anda katakan? Informal I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you... I'm sorry, I didn't get that... I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.... What did you say? Pardon? What's that again? Say that again? What? Huh? Maaf, saya tidak paham.. Maaf, saya tidak paham… Maaf, saya tidak dengar.. Apa kamu bilang? Maaf? Apa tadi? Katakan lagi? Apa? Huh? Asking for Repetition Informally In informal situations, you usually ask someone to repeat what they have said by using short fixed expressions such as 'Sorry?,'I'm sorry?', or 'Pardon?'. • A: Have you seen my jacket anywhere? B: Sorry? / I'm sorry? A: Seen my jacket anywhere? (BrE) • A: How old is your girlfriend? B: Pardon? A: I said how old is your girlfriend? (BrE) Some people say 'Come again?'. This expression is very informal. • A: The meeting is on Friday. B: Come again? A: It's on Friday. In American English, the expression 'Excuse me?' is also used in this way. Some Americans also use the expression 'Pardon me?' in such situations. • A: You're beautiful. B: Excuse me? / Pardon me? A: I said you're beaufiful. A: Oh, thank you. (AmE) The expression 'Pardon me' is also used in British English. A British person might use it when he or she has done something slightly impolite such as sneezing or burping. Americans use the expression 'Excuse me' in such situations. Some people use the exclamations 'What?', 'You what?', or 'Eh?' to ask someone to repeat something. Please note that these expressions are considered impolite. • A: Do you want some more juice? B: What?/ Eh? A: Want more juice? B: Yeah. • A: I just killed an alligator. B: You what? A: I just killed an alligator. You can also use a wh-word to check part of what someone has said. For example: • A: I want to talk to Diana. B: Who? A: Diana. • A: The agency has got a special offer in July for Jamaica. B: For where? A: Jamaica. • A: I can't stand the noise! B: The what? A: The noise! If you think you heard what someone has said but are not sure, or are surprised, you can repeat it, or repeat only part of it, making it sound like a question. For instance: • A: I have a nice present for you. B: A present? A: Yes. • A: The doctor has just told me that red meat is not good for my digestion. B: Red meat? A: Mhm. You can also add the word 'again' (adverb meaning one more time) to the end of your question when you are asking someone to repeat something that they have told you a little while ago and which you have already forgotten. • A: What's your name again? B: Mia. • A: Where are we going again? B: To the cinema. Asking for Repetition Formally In formal situations (when talking to someone you do not know well), you usually ask someone to repeat what they have said by using longer expressions such as 'I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said', 'I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that again?', 'Would you repeat that, please?', 'I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that','Excuse me, could you repeat that, please?' and 'Sorry, what did you say?' • A: Shall we met tomorrow at four o'clock? B: Sorry, what did you say? A: I said... • Dolly is in a meeting right now. B: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. / I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that again? A: Dolly's not available right now; she's in a meeting. The expressions 'I beg your pardon' or 'Beg your pardon' can also be used in more formal situations: • A: Do you like hot chocolate with cream? B: I beg your pardon? / Beg your pardon? A: Do you like... Please note that the expression 'I beg your pardon' (but not 'Beg your pardon') can be also used to indicate that you find what someone says offensive or surprising. In such situations, the word 'beg' is stressed. • A: Where the hell have you been? B: I beg your pardon? In similar situations, speakers of American English use the expression 'Excuse me' by strongly stressing the second syllable of the word 'excuse' the meaning clear. • A: I don't like your shoes. They're terrible. B: Excuse (ex-cuse) me?

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