Senin, 24 Maret 2014

makalah expressing Gratitude,surprise and Disbelief

Expression Of Gratitude Expression of Gratitude is an expression that we saw or say to express grateful feeling to other people. Here are some expressions of gratitude and their proper responses. Expressing gratitude Responding I’m so grateful for… Don’t mention it Thank you very much for… It was my pleasure Thank you for You’re welcome That was nice of you. Thank you No big deal Thanks a lot for… I’m glad that I can help you I really appreciate…. My pleasure Thanks. / Many thanks Forget it Thanks a million. That’s what friends are Thanks a lot It’s all right Example: Dialog about: Congratulations, Compliment, and Gratitude Tina: "Hey you.." Rafael: "what?.." Tina: "Congratulations about you.." Rafael: "What do you say?" Tina: "You are the Winner of an Olympic race science. You are good boy." Rafael: "Ah, thank you, Na.. You are the winner too.." Tina: Ok.. I go first... Expression Of Surprise Expression of surprise is a feeling caused by something happening suddenly or unexpectedly. Example Of Surprises: Ana: "Hi, What are you talking? Bobby: "Oh you Ana.. We are talking about You..You the winner of Sains Olympiad. " Ana: "wow. What a surprise..." Bobby: "Yeah you are the winner.. Good Job friend..." Ana: "Oh booby. Thank you.." Bobby: "It's Ok.." Here are some expressions of surprise Expressing surprise Responding Wow! What a surprise! Yeah! That’s a surprise! It is That’s very surprising! Yup! Really? Positively! What? It’s true Are you serious? You must be joking I’m serious You’re kidding! No, I’m not Fancy that! It is I must say it surprises me Does it? When you got surprising fact, you can say: • Do you know what? • Believe it or not? • You may not believe it, but..... • Can you believe this? Expression Of Disbelief Expression of Disbelief is an expressing to refust or be unable to belief something or somebody. Example Of Disbelief. Rara: "Hi guys..." Ina: "Hi Ra... What happen?" Rara: "Ina... Jesse come back from Bandung.." Ina: "Are you sure, Ra..? I don't believe that your information.." Rara: "Ina that's real. Jesse come back. This afternoon he's back.." Ina: "Oh Ra, Thank's for your information.. I must make a party tonight.." Expressing Disbelief I don’t believe it I can’t believe it It’s really unbelievable How could it be? • Bibliografi Andi (2013). Definision Expression of gratitude,Surprise and Disbelief. From /definision-of-gratitude-surprise-and-disbelief, 10 Marc 2014 PREFACE Serve the lord with thanksgiving and praise to the almighty, the only, sayang-nya and give thanks for taking the time to complete a paper entitled " Expression of Gratitude,surprise and Disbelief. Writing paper is aimed to provide further information about the expression of Gratitude,Surprise and Disbelief. The writer is very aware that this paper is far from perfect. Because of that, literary criticism and suggestions for either orally or in writing, especially English teacher Mrs. Maria Ulfah S.pd.I , in order to develop a science. Muara Teweh,March 10, 2014

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